Saturday, January 12, 2013

Keeping My Brain On Track

I did it! I managed to figure out a schedule of what I would like to accomplish on a daily basis. I created two calendars - I can't figure out how to post the pictures of these calendars from my new macbook, so they will have to be added later - to organize my brain a tiny bit.

One calendar, a generic month at a glance type layout has 1-3 tasks on each day. Some of these tasks are the standard issue "clean the toilets", "Water the plants"and "change the sheets" kind of things. Other chores include weekly menu planning, activities for the kids and scheduling sewing tasks for the week. And, finally, there are set days to do specific organizing jobs that need to be tackles (like the list of to-dos I wrote about last week). I have high hopes of glancing at my calendar each day and making time to check off each item!

The other calendar is a weekly planner that has each hour from 5am ( I will schedule nothing but laying in bed, hopefully sleeping peacefully, each and every day) to 10pm. On this planner I have time scheduled for tech time - a half an hour for each of us. The kids can use the iPad or iPhone to play around or I can Facebook, pin on Pinterest or cruise through Etsy. I've scheduled in outside time for us twice a day too. Although the boys and I almost always make it outside at least once a day in the nice weather I'm finding it really hard to find the motivation  to bundle three littles and myself to play for 15 minutes before someone is facedown in the snow crying or has to pee. I'm hoping this planner helps to keep in mind how important sunshine and fresh air is at this time of year. I've also scheduled in themed crafting time - from alphabet and number activities, to science and geography fun - on each day. Mind you I haven't taken the time to actually decide WHAT activities to do ahead of time, but that will come... I hope.

This week I also managed to tidy up my desk area (again, pictures to come). It's so cathartic tidying up a space. I hate the anxiety I experience just thinking about tackling a job but, once it's done, boy does it ever feel great to stand back and look at the tidy space!

So this week I would like to get a menu plan at least started. I struggle with menu planning because what I feel like eating today for next thursday is totally different from what I actually want to eat next thursday. So my plan of attack is this: do a very generic plan. Meatless monday, ethnic tuesday, red meat wednesday, slow cooker thursday, pizza friday etc. The details I hope to sort out this week! I will report back, hopefully with pride and excitement!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013: Harnessing the Chaos

Well, I'm back! I have every intention of making a weekly (maybe more) appearance in the blogosphere in this new year. Time got away from me last year. I believe it was valentine's day when I last posted. I let my husband read it and he was all teary when he finished so I thought maybe I couldn't out-do that post and I just didn't return. There were a few times when I thought "I should take pictures and blog about this craft or this fabulous recipe" but I didn't. I just engaged the kids and carried on with my day. After all, when there are only a few people reading what you have to say it seems lost. Especially when I could be just horsing around with the boys or something!

I spent 3 years in University learning how to help others achieve the goals they set out to do, it's about time I start helping myself. I know a lot about goal-setting, but this is the important part: the goals must be S.M.A.R.T.
An acronym:

So here goes nothing. I typically don't make New Year's Resolutions because I prefer to just make a change if I need to make a change. This year is different. I have been procrastinating (as usual) on a lot of things (partly because I'm busy and partly because I feel a bit overwhelmed by all of the stuff that needs to get done in a day, week, month or year) and it's time I buckle down and just do it. As much as I would love it, I don't think anyone else is going to do this stuff for me! Blogging more is on the top of my "To Do List" so I've decided to use this blog as a form of accountability for myself.

Here's how it will go down: I'm going to tell you about the things I'd like to accomplish (SPECIFIC) and when I'd like to accomplish them by (TIME-BOUND). Each week I will give myself a challenge of sorts and I will either post throughout the week on random days to show you what I'm doing (MEASURABLE) or save it all for one big post seven days later. I believe that all of the following goals are ATTAINABLE and RELEVANT to my greater goal of harnessing the chaos in my life. By the end of the year I'll have everything finished and the blog to prove it. You have a job too: bring your friends to the blog so I don't feel like I'm talking to myself! And please for the love of everything chocolate give me advice, suggestions, encouragement... tell me about what you're working on too.

A Year of Improvement
(in no particular order)
  • Weekly Blogging
  • Open my Etsy Shop
  • Take One hour daily to myself 
    • yoga 3x/wk, zumba 2x/wk and running 2x/wk
  • GET ORGANIZED (the bain of my existence)
    • Linen Closet
    • Desk
    • Spice Cabinet
    • Recipes
    • Toys
    • Boys' Bedroom
    • Craft Area
    • Photos/Albums
    • Basement
    • Apron Orders
  • Sew 8hrs/wk
  • Create a schedule for all of my new tasks (THIS WEEK's CHALLENGE)
    • exercise
    • sewing
    • crafting/schooling
    • cleaning
    • menu planning
  • Budget (ugh)
  • Create a menu plan 
This week's challenge is to plan my week. I'd like to keep this simple - a one or two week schedule of tasks. It will include my exercise, sewing, crafting/schooling/cleaning and menu planning schedules. Wish me luck!! See you Next Thursday!