Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Hard. Really, Really Hard!

   Get your mind out of the gutter! Chances are good that if you immediately thought of something dirty you know me pretty well. But this time there's nothing dirty about the title of this, my second, post. Over the last few days I've been struggling with a blocked milk duct. "Ugh" I think I just heard someone say? Yeah. It's a bit painful but mostly time consuming. I've tried a whole list of remedies that seem to be helping a little bit but nothing is making it go away. I've tried hot compresses, cabbage and potato compresses (separately), massage, vibrating massage, hot showers with massage, more fluids, different fluids, nursing more (constant), pumping (constant), position changes and more rest. All of those things are very very doable... except for one of them. Any guesses? Here's a hint: I have three kids under four and my hubby runs his own business. Yup, rest.

   If I were to get more rest the children would either starve or burn down the house cooking, diapers would runneth over, toys and household items would overrun the furniture and the laundry might just up and run away in hopes it would escape the smell of festering cloth diapers (what few I have to wash thanks to our most amazing diaper service Sweet Peach (check it out) ). It would mean I'd have to (eek!) ask for help. Nope, not gonna happen. I can do this. Centuries have gone by while mothers did all of these things all while looking good and seeming to enjoy it and I'm not about to change that (except for the looking good part, where I prefer to just be clean and clothed). And then yesterday hubby had a slow day in the shop and he hung with us and cleaned, folded laundry, washed dishes and cooked cabbage leaves. He did all of this while I sat around nursing and pumping simultaneously, massaged my tender boob and put hot compresses and cabbage leaves on it. A day of rest.

   Although the blockage isn't gone, its smaller... so there you have it, rest does help. Thankfully I didn't have to injure my pride by asking for help! Today I was wandering around aimlessly while two littles slept and one played outside and I realised what had happened! I had nothing to do, this was my time to rest. So instead I sat down to some therapeutic me time - writing down what was indeed so hard for me to do, admitting to myself (and my three followers) that it's OK to need help, to want help, to ask for help. But for those of you who are desperate to help, don't expect me to ask you for it; just go ahead and do it! Besides it's always nice to have a visit with you!

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