Saturday, February 4, 2012

Learning By Doing

Blueberry Muffins: a blurry action shot.
  On any given day I have the urge to make something - cookies, muffins, potpie, soup, hats, scarves, diaper covers, burp cloths, and most often, blankets - I don't know why, I just want to create. Come to think of it maybe that's part of the reason I like having babies... hmmm. On most days I do get the chance to make something with the kids, be it a tiny craft or starting a project. It's really quite nice to have the time to do these things and the kids love doing it too. Being a stay at home mom and a homeschooling family are truely awesome opportunities! I'm so glad we've decided to take this journey. Not only is baking muffins or cookies fun for my oldest, it's learning: measuring, counting, stirring, scooping, timing, waiting... all valuable life skills. My middle guy clearly enjoys being in the kitchen (or cupboards) with us and my youngest, although you can't see him, is riding shotgun in the maya wrap sling loving every minute of the baking session. My oldest loves to cook so I try to have him involved in all of the kitchen activities (including the clean-up!).
A few of the crew
   This week we made muffins, yes, but I also had a chance to do a little sewing. I'm drawn  to sewing. I love it and don't know why. Two years ago I thought it would be a good idea to do a sock monkey fundraiser, "Sock It To Cancer", and made 54 of the little darlings. It was therapeutic and frustrating all at the same time. I had a 3 month old and a 22 month old to entertain, but got them finished. Now I am on to quilts. I've purchased fabric - lots of it - and I hope to make a few different quilts of varying degrees of difficulty. This week I was forced into buckling down and just getting one done! I love having an excuse to sew, and a looming baby shower is great motivation! Not only did I make a lovely little quilt (the fabric is so so soooo cute) I also made some burp cloths designed in a way I thought was best, triangular (the small rectangular ones don't provide enough coverage for the shoulder and the large ones are waaay too big). Hopefully I'll have the chance to complete one more quilt this week for a doula client with a new baby too.
A few owl hats
   I love the feeling of accomplishment when I make something I love and it didn't take a month of sundays to complete. I'm obviously an instant gratification kind of girl so these two projects were perfect. Last year I went on a crocheting kick and made an abundance of owl hats. They were super easy and cute to boot. However, I tire quickly of the same project and this year made about 10 more before our youngest was born in November, but since then I haven't been able to get back at it. But this time I think the quilting might just stick. Its low maintenance, simple, therapeutic and fulfilling.The only thing that drives me absolutely batty is my temperamental sewing machine... but I can get past that hopefully! Below is the finished quilt - two metres of fabric and a whole lotta love, all for my nephew that should be arriving in the next five or six weeks! As I get better at this I may consider selling them, but for now its a labour  of love. And as my oldest gets better at sewing we will start doing more sewing projects just for him and I can't wait!

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